Dowel Centers

3 in 1 Dowel Centers

These dowel centers have a bored ID with a machined internal marking point in addition to the external marking point. This additional feature lets the user do both internal and external center markings with the same tool. Four popular sizes for most applications. Clear Zinc plated for rust prevention. These centers have many uses not previously possible. Available in a complete set, two of each size or individually in a set of two.

1/2" OD x 3/8" ID
MODEL: 9009
1/4" OD x 3/16" ID
MODEL: 9006
3/8" OD x 5/16" ID
MODEL: 9008
5/16" OD x 1/4" ID
MODEL: 9007
Complete 8 Piece Set
*Comes with (2) each: 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", & 1/2"
MODEL: 9005